GMF 2025 Team:
Director: Dr. Jin Liu
Student Assistant Coordinators: Berk Tunctan and Janelle Peters
Committee Members: Keung Yoon Bae, Laura Bier, Stéphanie Boulard, Antonio Cardentey, Stuart Goldberg, Natalie Khazaal, Lu Liu, Annika Orich, Amit Prasad, Ankita Rathour, Jennifer Singh, Amanda Weiss, and Ida Yoshinaga.
Wednesday, January 29th
- WHAT: Film screening of SOYLISM (2018)
- Virtual Q&A with Directors Stefano Liberti and Enrico Parenti
- Free Chinese food
- WHERE: Cypress Theater, Georgia Tech Student Center
- WHEN: 4:30-6:30 P.M.
- ORGANIZER: Dr. Lu Liu, lliu422@gatech.edu
- Event Flyer
- Event Gallery
Sunday, March 2nd
- WHAT: Film screening of FESTIN BORÉAL (“WILD FEAST”, Canada, 2023)
- Online Q&A with Filmmaker Robert Morin
- Free French food
- WHERE: Cypress Theater, Georgia Tech Student Center
- WHEN: 2:30-5:00 P.M.
- ORGANIZER: Dr. Stéphanie Boulard, sboulard3@gatech.edu
- Event Flyer
- Event Gallery
Monday, March 24th
- WHAT: Film screening of MASAAN (India, 2015)
- In-person Q&A with Screenwriter Varun Grover
- Free Indian food
- WHERE: Cypress Theater, Georgia Tech Student Center
- WHEN: 5:00-7:00 P.M.
- ORGANIZERS: Dr. Amit Prasad, amit.prasad@hsoc.gatech.edu, Dr. Ida Yoshinaga, iyoshinaga3@gatech.edu and Dr. Ankita Rathour arathour6@gatech.edu
Tuesday, March 25th
- WHAT: Film screening of EVIL DOES NOT EXIST (Japan, 2023)
- Scholarly panel discussion after screening
- Free Japanese food
- WHERE: Atlantic Theater, Georgia Tech Student Center
- WHEN: 2:00-4:30 P.M.
- ORGANIZERS: Dr. Amanda Weiss, amanda.weiss@modlangs.gatech.edu and Dr. Becky Bae, kbae38@gatech.edu
Tuesday, March 25th
- WHAT: Film screening of EIN GANZES LEBEN (“A WHOLE LIFE”, Germany/Austria, 2023)
- In-person Q&A with Director Hans Steinbichler
- Free food
- WHERE: Cypress Theater, Georgia Tech Student Center
- WHEN: 5:30 P.M.
- ORGANIZER: Dr. Annika Orich, aorich@gatech.edu
Wednesday, March 26th
- WHAT: Documentary screening of VERITAS (Cuba, 2022)
- In-person Q&A with Director Eliecer Jimenez Almeida
- Free Cuban food
- WHERE: Cypress Theater, Georgia Tech Student Center
- WHEN: 5:00-7:00 P.M.
- ORGANIZER: Dr. Antonio Cardentey, alevin9@gatech.edu
Friday, March 28th
- WHAT: Documentary screening of LIFE OF IVANNA (Russia, 2021)
- Virtual Q&A with the Director Renato Borrayo Serrano
- Free Russian food
- WHERE: Cypress Theater, Georgia Tech Student Center
- WHEN: 5:30-8:30 P.M.
- ORGANIZER: Dr. Stuart Goldberg, stuart.goldberg@modlangs.gatech.edu
Saturday, March 29th
- WHAT: Documentary screening of NAVIGATING AUTISM IN COMMUNITIES OF COLOR (U.S., 2024)
- In-person Q&A with Producer Jennifer Singh, Director John Thornton, and parents featured in the documentary
- Free Southern food
- WHERE: Cypress Theater, Georgia Tech Student Center
- WHEN: 3:00-5:00 P.M.
- ORGANIZER: Dr. Jennifer Singh, jennifer.singh@hsoc.gatech.edu
Monday, March 31st
- WHAT: Select scenes screening of DEAD SEA GUARDIANS (Israel, Jordan, Palestine, 2021) & FORAGERS (Palestine, 2022)
- In-person Q/A with special guest Oded Rahav, Founder & CEO of Dead Sea Guardians
- Free Middle Eastern food
- WHERE: Cypress Theater, Georgia Tech Student Center
- WHEN: 5:30-8:15 P.M.
- ORGANIZERS: Dr. Laura Bier, laura.bier@hsoc.gatech.edu, Dr. Natalie Khazaal, nkhazaal3@gatech.edu
Friday, April 4th
- WHAT: Film screening of LE RÈGNE ANIMAL (“THE ANIMAL KINGDOM“, France, 2023)
- Exclusive insights from filmmaker Thomas Cailley
- Reception following screening
- WHERE: Cypress Theater, Georgia Tech Student Center
- WHEN: 5:30-8:30 P.M.
- ORGANIZER: Dr. Stéphanie Boulard, sboulard3@gatech.edu